Playing roulette is like playing with your fortune. It is a duel between intellect and blind chance, and we all know that this chance is always easy to lose and hard to catch.
People gambled on the wheel through the ages, and scenes of gambling were depicted and described in variety of works by notable authors. These soul-chilling moments when a gambler waits for the ball to find its resting place on the wheel are portrayed in details. Where will it choose to stop? Will the wheel of fortune favour the bold gambler? scr888
Playing roulette is legal in most countries of the world, and it was equally admired and hated throughout history. Nevertheless, mysterious wheel of fortune left such a distinctive mark on history that no other gamble can compete and share fame with it.
It may well be that popularity of roulette is rooted in extraordinary simplicity of the game and well balanced stakes – many generations were mesmerized by the way the wheel brings fabulous wealth or ruins a gambler. And it is not surprising at all that collective intellect keeps searching for the “philosophers’ stone”, for the reliable scheme that would allow the gamblers to defeat the wheel.
But can one really defeat the wheel? Or maybe it is safer to give up on this idea and never try again to find the solution? Maybe one better regard this idea as beautiful dream that can never come true, like elixir of life, philosophers’ stone or perpetuum mobile?
Let us try to work out the strategy for several consecutive stakes. Let us suppose that you are betting on red only. The chances of red not coming up in the first round make 19/37 or 0.513513.
The chances of red coming up neither in the first nor in the second round make 0,263696.
The chances of red coming up at least once out of ten rounds are almost one thousand times higher than odds of black coming up ten times in a row. Or, to put it more accurately, the odds of red coming up at least once make 99.8725%.
On this principle of consistent increasing of stakes when losing most roulette gambling systems are based, and the most popular of them is Martingale. More specifically, not the system is named so, but the principle itself, as there are infinitely many gambling systems based on it.
Some gamblers prefer to increase their bets when losing, the others do so when winning, and few employ more sophisticated complex systems.
So, what is there for us in the gambling systems?
There is an evident positive psychological factor: the gambler feels that he is acting not haphazardly, but “systematically”.
The leadership taken over in the initial stage of the game gives an invaluable advantage for the gambler – the winner gets into good mood. His attitude toward money changes to less tense one, and such easygoingness attracts the Fortune. This mystic connection between our attitude toward money and fortune’s favour may not be overlooked: we all know the traditional luck of fools, drunks and novices…
Fools, novices, drunks and… professional gamblers have one thing in common – their easy attitude toward money.
There are no doubts that easy attitude toward money can be mastered, one can even be born with it, but such occasions are rare. So, gambling systems are the indispensable aid here, and this is their main purpose and role. The fortune often favours the easy-going gamblers thus putting off their day of reckoning. Many famous gamblers mentioned this yet unexplored law. They are unanimous that it exists and works.