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In a previous article, I revealed three Texas Holdem secrets which were:

Less is More

The Power of Focusing

Don’t read, talk to a Texas Holdem Pro

To my surprise, many aspiring and eager Texas Holdem Pros contacted me since I started giving out my views and tips on the subject through a few articles cmd368 mobile . Most have been asking about the best course of action to become a Texas Holdem Pro and if I had more Texas Holdem secrets to share. To make it short: Yeah.

The tougher part is to remember what were the specific actions that allowed me to become the player I am today. I remember failing a lot in my debuts from 1994 to 1999 but that’s not the part everyone’s interested in, right?

Those two Texas Holdem secrets are in fact three key factors that allowed me to make the switch from playing the game as a hobby to making a good living out of it. Here they are:

Texas Holdem Secrets #1: Get Help

Now who said you had to make this work all by yourself? Sure, you can go ahead and buy all the books available on Texas Holdem but I can assure you there’s a better way. If all we needed was read, there wouldn’t be any teachers in schools right? Well it’s the same for Poker, you need a Teacher / Tutor / Mentor / Crew to speed up your learning curve and transform you into a Texas Holdem pro.

Here are 4 ways of achieving this:

1 – If you’re lucky enough and your uncle / brother / best friend is already a Poker Pro, I suggest you stop reading this article and give that person a life-changing phone call. Chances are he got helped to become a pro and will only be happy to help out someone close to him.

2 – Build yourself a network with the local players and figure out which ones are better than you and take advice from them. You’ll be amazed to see how a free beer can help bonding with someone.

3 – If you don’t have access to a better player, regrouping with others of your caliber with the same objectives can help you tremendously as you’ll be sharing what’s working and what’s not.

4 – If you prefer to run your poker show in the comfort of your house, then I highly suggest you look into an Online Poker School. The good ones are run by Holdem Pros that have good intentions.

Texas Holdem Secrets #2:

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