The advent of consoles paved way to a new beginning in video game playing. When these devices were first designed, they were made to be used as tools of playing games. However, this aspect has today changed as they are not only used in playing games but they have other important features, which enhance the user-experience of the game players. Consoles can today be used as centerpiece of home theater systems. You can play DVD movies from your console device.
For instance, Xbox, Xbox 360, and PS2 consoles have DVD functionality features and therefore, they can be used to watch movies. Some of the consoles have Blu-ray disc drive, which is capable of playing high-definition video movies in addition to the standard DVD movies. Moreover, the developers of consoles have added music playing features in these devices.
Users can play audio CDs using these devices connected in home theaters. Furthermore some of the consoles allow you to integrate an USB equipped portable music player like an iPod meaning that you are able to play the music from that portable music player. If a user has a Media Center edition PC or Windows PC, some consoles can access music stored in those personal computers.
Another essential feature, which has been added into console devices, is internet connectivity. Users of consoles can today surf the web using these devices. The devices have specially designed web browsers, which allow users access the internet. However, not all consoles have their own web browsers programs.
The ability of the users to access the internet has numerous benefits. Today, internet has grown both in individual and business applications. People are using internet enabled console devices to stream music from sites such as YouTube. The users can download music videos, movies, TV shows and other favorite programs and store them in their consoles.
From a business perspective, consoles can be used in many ways. Business persons can communicate with their clients through emails and instant messaging right from the internet. They can also browse websites for products and services. Marketers can use these devices to market products on the internet.
From the advancement in functionality features of these devices, it is evident that these game playing portable systems are heading to the PC mainstream technology. Soon or later, console devices will have the same if not, equivalent features and functionality as the personal computers.
There are other uses of these portable devices such as helping children in their learning experience. The devices have the ability to stimulate the cognitive ability of kids offering a good environment for learning. One area that has received great interest in research is how console software games help children with neurological complications such as autism.
Studies have shown that consoles can help children with autism to improve their speech and social interaction, which are major signs of persons suffering from autism. People with autism have impaired speech and social interaction. They also show a repetitive behavior and impaired concentration or attentiveness.
With the broad spectrum of applications for these devices, it means that there is more content to be stored in the gadgets. However, consoles have a limited storage space and this is why it is recommended that console users seek for r4 cards, which they can integrate in their consoles to increase the memory storage capacity.